Offline Signature is only supported on [cli_wallet].
Run with the websocker server of [cli_wallet].
Drive two [cli_wallets] with a websocket server. One is linked to the RPC port of the blockchain and the other runs offline.
$ ./cli_wallet -s ws:// -r -d Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log Wallet is online mode 2078356ms th_a main.cpp:178 startOnlineWallet ] wdata.ws_server: ws:// 2078357ms th_a main.cpp:183 startOnlineWallet ] wdata.ws_user: wdata.ws_password: 2078357ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":1,"result":true} 2078358ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":2,"result":0} 2078358ms th_a websocket_api.cpp:88 on_message ] message: {"id":3,"result":3} 2078358ms th_a main.cpp:226 startOnlineWallet ] Listening for incoming RPC requests on 2078358ms th_a main.cpp:290 startOnlineWallet ] Entering Daemon Mode, ^C to exit
$ ./cli_wallet -s local -r -d Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log Wallet is local mode 2064583ms th_a main.cpp:103 startLocalWallet ] Listening for incoming RPC requests on 2064583ms th_a main.cpp:167 startLocalWallet ] Entering Daemon Mode, ^C to exit
In the offline [cli_wallet], [suggest_brain_key ],is imported 4 times, and a wrallet is generated in the online [cli_wallet] with a public key.
> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "suggest_brain_key", "params": [], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "brain_priv_key": "PENCEL GAFF WAYBILL PA SHAMMY DOWNWAY SHIES KUAN PEPLUS CARVER VEINLET VULN SYENITE HISS SQUAIL SEMITAE", "wif_priv_key": "5K7vBVpHcXRbkSwGdDGfLJ1skDvUj6LmjCop7PRp1RXtXNFdxP5", "pub_key": "ADC5KCx7eZTgzhp3gs21dmYy2UkGxUZsfbrXoaT7yfDMAGAQ9Ja1P" } } > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "suggest_brain_key", "params": [], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "brain_priv_key": "PANTAS SOAM PAPOOSE THECA TACIT CRINGLE DREEP OUTPOLL BROCKET YOUZE PLUMOUS SOCKEYE PUGMAN WORRIED KIMNEL BOMBER", "wif_priv_key": "5KCQGVctXY4YwNkAK2jPKL2aMRLHvUVyDEqYpJgAskbRZsDurFB", "pub_key": "ADC8bYu4bspwyrEQenUGGdhxfqhH4hWKtJTt8oh9pPsPtheYTr3zv" } } > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "suggest_brain_key", "params": [], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "brain_priv_key": "MINIUM ROW DIPETTO BUAL SLOUCH SATRAPY SAMADH POESY TUARN LEDGED GLUEY DISTALE CARABID SYRUPED BENDED DESYL", "wif_priv_key": "5KNWsCjns1YhTHpEpiqfn4agKhTKBHQdv4oyzULWfbZDbsUKPk5", "pub_key": "ADC5fnKi2NJDnW3HTWEF6cWN4zA4nFb197dDx3A5tcBguwTXmjRSD" } } > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "suggest_brain_key", "params": [], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "brain_priv_key": "KOLLAST WHIPSAW VISCOSE KHOKA DIPLEX TOADY FIRCA BENMOST BALLI MOPE PUFFERY UNDEWY SKIPPER BILOBED ICICLE SPICANT", "wif_priv_key": "5J5gDai1DUyPC9ygRW7eyhBT3h6w16WLgRVcuiSWDfM5XkUM56x", "pub_key": "ADC7uTvZy58V4iWEFku8tnuaCBapRzFzgxVmjaLCZCbEtWys1Tuf4" } }
> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "import_key", "params": ["5K7vBVpHcXRbkSwGdDGfLJ1skDvUj6LmjCop7PRp1RXtXNFdxP5"], "id":1 } < {"id":1,"result":true} > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "import_key", "params": ["5KCQGVctXY4YwNkAK2jPKL2aMRLHvUVyDEqYpJgAskbRZsDurFB"], "id":1 } < {"id":1,"result":true} > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "import_key", "params": ["5KNWsCjns1YhTHpEpiqfn4agKhTKBHQdv4oyzULWfbZDbsUKPk5"], "id":1 } < {"id":1,"result":true} > {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "import_key", "params": ["5J5gDai1DUyPC9ygRW7eyhBT3h6w16WLgRVcuiSWDfM5XkUM56x"], "id":1 } < {"id":1,"result":true}
> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "create_account_with_keys", "params": ["adcaccount", "test012", "", "ADC5KCx7eZTgzhp3gs21dmYy2UkGxUZsfbrXoaT7yfDMAGAQ9Ja1P", "ADC8bYu4bspwyrEQenUGGdhxfqhH4hWKtJTt8oh9pPsPtheYTr3zv", "ADC5fnKi2NJDnW3HTWEF6cWN4zA4nFb197dDx3A5tcBguwTXmjRSD", "ADC7uTvZy58V4iWEFku8tnuaCBapRzFzgxVmjaLCZCbEtWys1Tuf4", true], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "ref_block_num": 62974, "ref_block_prefix": 2408068821, "expiration": "2021-11-18T06:51:30", "operations": [ [ "account_create", { "creator": "adcaccount", "new_account_name": "test012", "owner": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": [ ], "key_auths": [ [ "ADC5KCx7eZTgzhp3gs21dmYy2UkGxUZsfbrXoaT7yfDMAGAQ9Ja1P", 1 ] ] }, "active": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": [ ], "key_auths": [ [ "ADC8bYu4bspwyrEQenUGGdhxfqhH4hWKtJTt8oh9pPsPtheYTr3zv", 1 ] ] }, "posting": { "weight_threshold": 1, "account_auths": [ ], "key_auths": [ [ "ADC5fnKi2NJDnW3HTWEF6cWN4zA4nFb197dDx3A5tcBguwTXmjRSD", 1 ] ] }, "memo_key": "ADC7uTvZy58V4iWEFku8tnuaCBapRzFzgxVmjaLCZCbEtWys1Tuf4", "json_metadata": "" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ "1f3829607a1cad584c2781a59e4d92e2f7d504d616193e7207b07a2cc86a6a0fd56ea6036b6b6724742547771a4427a7465699587aab39f72f4c3d3e7056dd063e" ], "transaction_id": "39e1e03dfab6b324e822e382590e786ca269e711", "block_num": 1439231, "transaction_num": 0 } }
Create transfer transaction in the online server.
> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "transfer_offline", "params": ["test012","test1","1.000000 ADC" "memo"], "id":1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "ref_block_num": 63441, "ref_block_prefix": 930511411, "expiration": "2021-11-18T07:14:51", "operations": [ [ "transfer", { "from": "test012", "to": "test1", "amount": "1.000000 ADC", "memo": "memo" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ ], "pkeys": [ "ADC8bYu4bspwyrEQenUGGdhxfqhH4hWKtJTt8oh9pPsPtheYTr3zv" ] } }
Create a signature by putting the result data returned from #3 above into the offline server as it is.
> { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sign_offline_transaction", "params": [
{ "ref_block_num": 63511, "ref_block_prefix": 3927359701, "expiration": "2021-11-18T07:18:21", "operations": [ [ "transfer", { "from": "test012", "to": "test1", "amount": "1.000000 ADC", "memo": "memo" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ ], "pkeys": [ "ADC8bYu4bspwyrEQenUGGdhxfqhH4hWKtJTt8oh9pPsPtheYTr3zv" ] }
], "id": 1 } < { "id": 1, "result": { "ref_block_num": 63511, "ref_block_prefix": 3927359701, "expiration": "2021-11-18T07:18:21", "operations": [ [ "transfer", { "from": "test012", "to": "test1", "amount": "1.000000 ADC", "memo": "memo" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ "1f1862f68f70a175aadd56c8f358b3201e110853f0ef779d8d73e1a74727707c5679b8d322041a283764c75aeace56f98efc1040e9847c9de61a2c99ffa260b72c" ] } }
Send the result data returned from #4 above to the online server as it is.
Since the validity time is set to 30 seconds, block mounting fails after 30 seconds of creating Transaction.
>{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "push_transaction", "params": [
{ "ref_block_num": 63781, "ref_block_prefix": 2242585533, "expiration": "2021-11-18T07:31:51", "operations": [ [ "transfer", { "from": "test012", "to": "test1", "amount": "1.000000 ADC", "memo": "memo" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ "205c07da121c2e683376e255e9c8df335858dd92216a5bd2ab7c9bf312d16325047f68dc1d68b0122d2528aabfdcc553ebb51f8e94e766bb35055a83d2d2591246" ] }
, true ], "id": 1 } <{ "id": 1, "result": { "ref_block_num": 63781, "ref_block_prefix": 2242585533, "expiration": "2021-11-18T07:31:51", "operations": [ [ "transfer", { "from": "test012", "to": "test1", "amount": "1.000000 ADC", "memo": "memo" } ] ], "extensions": [ ], "signatures": [ "205c07da121c2e683376e255e9c8df335858dd92216a5bd2ab7c9bf312d16325047f68dc1d68b0122d2528aabfdcc553ebb51f8e94e766bb35055a83d2d2591246" ], "transaction_id": "1ebd44a68a262f1c386634f4736892ac872b0c34", "block_num": 1440045, "transaction_num": 0 } }
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